Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's blooming in April? Hollyhocks

Hollyhocks.   Althea rosea. This skyscraper isn't as common anymore.  I do need to stake them soon!  They can grow taller than I am on a single stalk.  They come in all kinds of colors.  I believe mine were all from seed pods from a friend.  Mine are all this pale peachy yellow.

1 comment:

  1. A question came up on Facebook:
    "I loved making Hollyhock dolls at my grandmother's. Any advice of finding mini veggie seeds?"

    My answer:
    Not really. I googled "mini vegetable seeds" and up with a list. But really, I prefer going to a local nursery and buy what grows well here. I would guess that Green Thumb might be more likely to have something unusual. I'd give both Green Meadow and Green Thumb a call.

    Many vegetables can be picked and eaten when they're small: zucchini (even in the flower stage!), carrots, and pea pods are all great young. Broccoli and cauliflower would be fine to eat when the flower is small.
